Recently, I received this email from a friend:
"I come to you as a crazy stressed out friend. I am uneasy, stressed, can't focus, can't concentrate, feel like something is lacking in my life. I can't put my finger on it. I NEED SOME PEACE. I am about to make myself crazy. I haven't been exercising, sleeping, eating normal-everything is out of whack! From your posts you seem like you are feeling peaceful and balanced. Pass a girl the recipe (please)!"
I went digging through the recipe cards of my life and experiences, and came upon this. I've always had the greatest success with this delicacy, and the flavor and satisfaction linger on and on and on...
"Oh my sweet girl! You are in the midst of all kinds of transitions and changes.... it's like the universe has decided to feng shui your life, so it's no wonder you are feeling off kilter! That's what happens when we are transforming, and transitioning into our new lives, so be easy on yourself, to begin. Have compassion for yourself. Love yourself. These things must come first.
After that, there are certainly a host of all kinds of good disciplines you could choose for your life: the optimal words being "choice" and "discipline." Of course, I am always here for counsel, resources, ideas, listening, drinks - you name it!
If there is a secret to life, the one I know is that the more energy I put into choices and disciplines that are GOOD for me and honor my true spirit, the more GOOD the universe has to offer me.
What's one thing you could do today that would honor your own highest good?.....
At the end of the day, we all know what we have to do. We might think we don't, but really we're avoiding our truth because we aren't sure if we can trust it. "What if I try, and it doesn't work out?" "That might work for some people, but not for me." "It doesn't really matter what I do... nothing will work out the way I want. I'm too ________ or not enough _________." There are millions of people who live with these kinds of self-sabotaging thoughts... spending their whole lives this way, and never REALLY trying what they KNOW they should do to change it.
How do you begin to change? By honoring the simple things first. Clean your house. Light a candle and say a prayer. Make a list of gratitude and look at it and add to it everyday. Change your diet for the better. Cut out more toxins. Exercise. Write. Garden. Think of the very people and the very things that hurt you the most, and sit with it until you can genuinely feel love for them in your heart, and then wrap a blanket of compassion and forgiveness around them, if even for a moment.
These are some ideas... and it's not like you're meant to dive into all of it at once. Change happens slowly, but steadily, one step at a time. Adopt one small new practice into your life - even the simplest one, like making the bed, or lighting a candle. Do that for a few days, a week or two... and then add another one. As you continue to add more and more "good" disciplines into your routine, your life simply MUST change for good. The universe sees your efforts, and rewards you... not big at first, not usually. That's why we get frustrated and quit - we say "Here I've been doing all of this, and God hasn't helped me at all!" But God is just waiting... waiting for that one moment when you almost give up... but then you try even harder.
The more good I keep adding into my life (waking up earlier, eating healthier, running farther, praying longer, singing louder, confronting my responsibilities BEFORE they become problems....) the BIGGER the gifts are from the universe. This has been a process of years for me, starting small, and working my way up to the place I am now, where I am genuinely EXCITED to do these things because I have well learned that when I don't, things go to shit! So, it's exciting to wake up in the morning and tend to my spirit, because then my spirit tends to me for the rest of the day in the most amazing ways!!!!
I also want to say that not only are you not alone, but I think we need to remember that there is a much greater force at work here. Our entire planet and universe is undergoing a tremendous shifting right now, and we are feeling it and having to navigate it with very little understanding of what's happening or why. The most that I know is that as our collective consciousness is transcending into an era of light, so the dark parts of our lives are being forced to fall away to bring us into our highest vibration of being.
If relationships are ending, or work is changing, or good friends are falling away and new friends are coming into the scene, if people are suffering injuries or illness... all of these things are not for nothing. We have legions of angels and spirits working in each of our lives, stripping away what no longer serves us, and what cannot continue to exist for us in this new paradigm of love, and light.
What we are suffering in this transition is our attachments, which evoke very powerful emotions. You know I have always been an extremely deeply feeling person, but even I have learned that as much as I can be operating and reacting from knowledge versus emotion, I am able to flow much easier. It doesn't mean that I don't feel - no! I allow myself to feel. If I need to cry, I cry. If I need to scream, I scream. If I need to be alone, I take that time. But I consciously acknowledge that these are only emotions, that in the present moment I am safe and protected and loved and provided for, and instead of holding on to the feelings and wallowing in them, I feel them, and then move past them. They may resurface again in an hour, or the next day or next week. But I keep consciously acknowledging them, feeling them, and moving past them... And the more I do that, they show with less frequency and intensity, and I have more time and energy to devote to the positive practices I mentioned before. Just remember, it's a slow and gradual process... baby steps, babe.
Choice. Discipline. Every single day we wake up, it's up to us to determine how we will live."
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