All the details of these events will be unfolding to you as the weeks and months progress. For the moment, it will suffice to say that I am in full manifestation mode, realizing and actualizing long thought out dreams and goals, living the life I have long desired. I am daily mindful of what a true blessing it all is...
I wake up these mornings before my alarm goes off, already brimming with ideas and notes and schedules and creative imaginings. I sit at my kitchen buffet, with tea and a bidi to smoke, writing in my journal, making plans for the day and week ahead. I work in my home. I venture out for fruitful conversations and productive planning. I enjoy a social life that is ever intermingled with the work that lies before me - and am met by my peers with enthusiasm, support, and a desire to be involved. "Is this a dream?," I muse. Indeed, it is. It is the dream I have had for my life, and I am finally at that stage in my development to meet it, and to see it through.
For all the years that this vision has been taking shape, to finally stand in its presence, knowing that I have all the skills, knowledge and talent, and am backed by a vast pool of resources and community all dedicated to help me reach these goals is a novelty for me. I have endeavored before, I have invested, I tried and tried and tried again... even when frustration, depression, lethargy and apathy all tried to talk me out of my purpose, tried to sway me from my path. I see now that I never had to beat a dead horse - that was never the case. I simply had to continue to get back on, and so I have.
I am not afraid to admit my pride in myself. I might have felt like a braggart to say such a thing at other times in my life, but not now. I have worked very hard throughout these years, volunteering and working with so many groups and individuals on their projects and dreams, cultivating skills and knowledge, even investing in others before investing in myself. I am proud to have made some really hard choices over the past couple years - walking away from projects and relationships that weren't reciprocal, and choosing to put that energy and time into my work, and my path. I have created a wide network, a family, who is there to back me up - who express to me that they, too, have been waiting for me to step up, claim my power, and fulfill my destiny.
Well, "destiny" is a larger concept than I care to fantasize about anymore... whatever my destiny is remains to be seen. For the moment, I can honestly say that I am perfectly content, enjoying the process, and knowing that it is all leading me exactly where I'm meant to be.
To all of you who have signed on for this ride, buckle your seat belts... we are about to hit Mach 10 sooner than later. For those of you who are witness to it all, go ahead and buckle your seat belts too...
My intention is to do nothing less than blow your mind.
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